ible Airvida Wearable Air Purifier Galeries Lafayette

Airvida L1 wearable air purifier is released at Galeries Lafayette

Airvida L1 is released at Galeries Lafayette in Indonesia!

Friends lived in Indonesia now can purchase Airvida at physical channel besides online store. You can know more about the product by wear it and touch it. For people who travel to Indonesia, if you visit Galeries Lafayette and find ible’s product practical, remember to take one with you.

How negative ions purify the air?
Airborne particles, pollen, PM2.5, smoke, are positively charged. Negative ions thus can attached to these positively charged airborne particles since opposite attracts. Then, particulate matters bond with other positively charged ones, become larger and heavier, and fall to the ground. In this way, our nose won’t easily breathe in these airborne particles.

Galeries Lafayette location:

Pasific Place Jakarta GF, 1,2,3 Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.52-53, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

Also, Airvida is released at Lotte Duty Free shop.

For friends in Indonesia, just go to the duty free shop while waiting at the airport. Do you feel the air quality is poor in the aircraft? Or are you sensitive to PM2.5 or allergens? Elegant and yet powerful Airvida L1 can help solve the problem!

Lotte Duty Free location:

Lotte Shopping Avenue 4-5 floor, Jalan Professor Doktor Satrio Kav. 3-5, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, RT.18/RW.4, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940

Check out the Airvida yourself!

Where to buy: https://www.airvida.co/en/where-to-buy/


Dec 3, 2018
Selangor International Pitch Ible Airvida Wearable Air Purifier

Earn international recognition! ible won 3rd prize at Selangor International Pitch

Held at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC), the Selangor Smart City & Digital Economy Convention 2018 reached to its climax on Sep. 14th. As many audiences hold their breath and stared carefully at the stage, the host announced the prizes of Selangor International Pitch . Airvida, the wearable purifier product designed by ible Tech, earned 3rd place and recognition for our outstanding work.

“It’s a brilliant idea! Air pollution is becoming severe these years in Malaysia. It could be very harmful for sensitive people outside of the protection of an air purifier at home. The solution is in absence until we heard of Airvida, which makes a wearable air purifier efficient and good-looking. We are glad that Airvida are tackling these issues and improving peoples’ health”, commented by the host. On top of praises from the host, some local agents even took initiative to propose a partnership with ible Tech.

To be honest, we are not surprised since we always devoted to every step of product development – from market research, technology to design. The result is satisfactory. Airvida M1, the latest product, works like a guardian that can protect customer from PM2.5, pollen, formaldehyde and bacteria near the mouth and nose with a circle up to 15cm in diameter. 200,000 ions/cc are constantly being released every 0.6 second to ensure the air being breathed is clean and fresh.

Not only are we proud of the functionality M1 provides but also the practical and delightful designs. Considering long time usage, the device is optimized to condense the volume and to reduce the weight. Besides, the incredible fashionable design is customized to create an agile and professional image. Airvida M1 is ready to be the daily assistant to customers’ health management, as well as solves the nasty symptoms of allergies.

See more information for reference at: https://www.sitec.com.my/malaysian-startup-wins-rm-50000-at-international-pitching-competition/


Sep 21, 2018
ible Airvida M1 Wearable Air Purifier

ible Airvida M1 is available today

ible Airvida M1, the smallest ionic air purifier, is available today in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

Airvida M1 features an exquisite workmanship with 5.7cm length and superlight 20g weight, meanwhile consistently generates 2 million negative ions/ cm3. Impressively, Airvida M1’s 2 million negative ions/ cm3 is 100 times of the amount emitted by a natural waterfall. Numerous negative ions can efficiently make the airborne particles, including PM2.5 (99.9% removal rate) and pollen, dropped to the ground. This functionality is very beneficial to users which can protect them from breathing those allergic substance into their body.

Airvida M1 is worn with a trendy necklace. By aid of its titanium material, the necklace’s far infrared emissivity can reach 86.4% so as to efficiently activate blood circulation and increase metabolism. Besides, Airvida M1 can also be worn with a collar clip or be put on with its charging dock to act as a small desktop air purifier.

The smoke removal test video of Airvida M1 can refer to: https://youtu.be/34sQcPNiZO8


Jun 1, 2018
ible Airvida Wearable Air Purifier Japan Ringolf

Ringolf introduces ible Airvida L1 to avoid hay fever discomfort

Ringolf, a club for women golf lovers in Japan, introduces ible Airvida L1 to their members before the approaching hay fever season. The introducing video from Ringolf can be found in below link: https://youtu.be/999V1W1JruY

During the hay fever season, playing golf maybe not that happy for some golf lovers. That’s why Ringolf introduces Airvida L1 to their members: Airvida L1’s numerous negative ions can decrease the pollen amount users breathing in and relieve the discomfort from fever allergy.

According to Far Infrared Association (Japan)’s PM2.5 removal test report, Airvida L1 can make 99.9% PM2.5 dropped to the ground. The mechanism is that negative ions will attach to the airborne particles, turning them into bigger & heavier chunks and thus falling to the ground. Since a pollen is 16 times larger than a PM2.5 particle (larger and heavier), negative ions are even more effective in removing pollen and thus relieving allergy symptoms.


Apr 10, 2018
Best Air Purifier For The Home And Office Ible Airvida Wearable Air Purifier

Best purifier for home and office recommended by Evening Standard!

According to a statistical report released by UK government, air pollution leads to the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Monitoring air quality become more and more important. Airvida is the best air purifier recommended by Evening Sytandard.

Best Air purifiers recommended by Evening Standard
As the markets are crowded with all kinds of air purifiers, how to choose the right purifier? Fortunately, reporters at Evening Standard have selected 10 most popular air purifiers and tested their functionality. The technique includes HEPA filter and negative ions.

“It’s a joy to use!” Airvida wearable air purifier recommended
“The Airvida L1 sits so comfortably on the neck, our tester forgot it was there. It’s silent, discrete, and looks almost like a pair of headphones.”

Airvida aims at zero decibel since many people are sensitive to noise, especially at night. However, you would barely notice any noise when Airvida is in operation on the nightstand. Put Airvida right in front of your face to see the effects.

Besides zero decibel, Airvida is super light, which only weights 70g, since there are no fans or filter built in. Moreover, Airvida M1 weights only 20g.

Negative ions VS HEPA filter: How to choose?
HEPA filter
HEPA filter is specializes in remove smoke, pollen, dust or bacteria. For people who would be irritated by smell, make sure to notice whether the carbon layer has been added.

When it comes to how to choose a HEPA air purifier, CADR are usually addressed. CADR is how much clear could be emitted in certain time. However, the higher the CADR doesn’t necessarily equal to a good choice. Since with the CADR rises, the noises could be loud.

Negative ions
With the technique of negative ions, Airvida are designed to be carry on with users everywhere. Instead of purifying the whole space, they focus only to the area around user’s nose.

How negative ions purify the air?
Negative ions attach to particles, such as smoke, dust, bacteria, allergens and pollen, making these hazardous airborne particles negatively charged. Thus, the negative charged particles bond together, becoming larger and heavier. Eventually, they fall to the ground. In such way, our noses will be prevented from breathing in these airborne particles.

Check the Customer Reviews.


Mar 30, 2018
ible Airvida Wearable Air Purifier Japan Market

ible Airvida L1 now hits Japan market

ible Airvida L1, a trendy wearable ionic air purifier, is available in Japan now. Airvida L1 features ergonomic design with powerful 2 million negative ions/ cm3 generation capacity. The amount of 2 million negative ions/ cm3 is 100 times of that emitted by a natural waterfall. Numerous negative ions can efficiently make the airborne particles, including PM2.5 (99.9% removal rate) and pollen, dropped to the ground. This functionality is very beneficial to users which can protect them from breathing too much allergic and harmful substance into their body.

Airvida L1 is certificated by professional laboratories, including SGS, Japan Association of Ion Research, and Far Infrared Association (Japan), for its air purifying ability. Moreover, Airvida L1 also complies with CE, European regulations on ozone and radiation safety.

Airvida L1 will be available on Makuake website (https://www.makuake.com/project/ible-airvida/) with special offer in the period from September 26, 2017 to October 27, 2017. If you have any question related to purchase or after service support in Japan, please contact Airvida L1’s Japan distributor Mansyou Co. Ltd.

Mansyou Co. Ltd.
4-25-3 Arubi Bld.5F, Matsugaya, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 111-0036, Japan
TEL. 03-5806-9360


Sep 15, 2017