Airvida is so light, so sometimes I even don’t notice I’m wearing it. When going out, my stuffy nose is really improved.
花粉症がマシになればと購入。付けているのを忘れるくらい軽いです。これをつけて外出したのですが、鼻の通りが良かったので効果がありそうです。 I thought maybe Airvida can improve my hay fever, so I bought it for a trial. Airvida is so light, so sometimes I even don’t notice I’m wearing it. When going out, my stuffy nose is really improved. So it seems that it...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

The discomforts caused by hay fever allergy have also been relieved.
花粉で目が浮腫むのですが、これを付けてる時は目の浮腫が前よりはマシになった気がします。花粉症による、イライラも落ち着きました。見た目的にもお洒落で気にいってます。 I always have puffy eyes during the hay fever season. But after using Airvida, my puffy eyes have improved a lot. Besides the puffy eyes, the discomforts caused by hay fever allergy have also been relieved. Airvida loo...
40s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

My hay fever symptoms have been improved a lot.
昨年、アイブルエアビーダのL1を購入して使用していたのですが、ほとんど花粉の症状が出ませんでした。 ただ、L1は仕事中には目を引くのと、サイズが選べないのを残念に思っていました。 ですので、今年からはネックレスやクリップで使用できるM1を探していました。 お陰様で、今年以降も花粉に負けないように頑張れる気がしています。 I bought ible Airvida L1 last year, and my hay fever symptoms have been improved a lot. But L1 has undetachable neckline design and is too...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I’m so grateful for Airvida.
注文して4日で届きました。 有り難うございました。 とてもスタイリッシュで、気に入ってます。ジムに行く時もマスクの代わりに使えそうですね。長く使いたいと思います。 I received Airvida within 4 days after ordering. I’m so grateful for Airvida. It’s trendy, I love it. I think I can use it to replace a mask while going to a gym, and I will always love to wear it. <See ori...
60s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I had a trial for 2 weeks (even at home), and it’s amazing that I didn’t sneeze at all during the trial.
薬を飲みたくないという理由から、この商品にたどり着きました。最初の1週間は半信半疑でしたが、ほぼ2週間以上毎日使って(家の中でも)まったくくしゃみをしていないことに気づきました。大気汚染、そして巷のウィルスにも効くのではないかと期待しています。使い勝手もいいし、充電も簡単。L1(白)娘がデザインを気に入って買いました。落としたりすることもありません。あちらの方が2箇所口があるから効果はやはり高そうですね。ただしこちらでも十分私は効果を感じています。ありがとうございました。 The reason I bought Airvida is I don’t want to take med...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I suffered from second-hand smoke for a long time in the office, but after wearing Airvida, it seemed that the smell of cigarette smoke had been reduced.
とにかく軽く邪魔になりません。ただ、本当に効果があるのか心配で、まずは3日間仕事中に付けてみました。長年職場で受動喫煙に苦しんでいましたが、これを付けると煙草の匂いを感じにくくなりました。また、なんとなくリラックス効果もあるような気もします。若干高価ではありましたが、とにかく買って良かったです。もっと早く使いたかったです。 All in all, it really is superlight. I doubted if Airvida really worked, so I tested it for consecutive 3 working days. I suffered from s...
50s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

Even taking medicine, my runny nose and itchy eyes are still not solved. After using Airvida, such symptoms all disappeared!
鼻水と目のかゆみが薬を飲んでいても止まらなかったのが、とまりました。購入できて良かったです。それにとても早く届けていただけたので助かりました。 Even taking medicine, my runny nose and itchy eyes are still not solved. After using Airvida, such symptoms all disappeared! I really bought a good product. By the way, the delivery speed is also great. <See original text>
50s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

Airvida is the best product I’ve ever bought in the past few years.
半信半疑で買いましたが、めちゃくちゃいいです。手放せません。 ここ何年かで一番いい買い物しました。ありがとうございます。 I bought Airvida with doubts, but it is so useful. Due to its effectiveness, I cannot go out without it right now. Airvida is the best product I’ve ever bought in the past few years. So grateful. <See original text>
30s Male - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

It’s an excellent design about the magnet connector, and the way of charging is also another great design. All the details are well executed.
ネックレスとしても使えるし、効果もあるのでなかなか良い買い物! マグネットの感じや充電方法もセンスを感じる。 全体的に良いです。 Airvida can be worn as a necklace, and it really works. I really made a good decision. It’s an excellent design about the magnet connector, and the way of charging is also another great design. All the details are well executed....
20s Male - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

My itchy nose has really improved after using it.
個人型空気清浄機は以前にも使ったことがありますが、この商品は音もなく風が吹き出す事もありません。その上軽いので装着の不快感もありません。効果のほどですが、装着したら鼻のムズムズ感が楽になっています。かなり迷って購入しましたが、結果購入して正解でした。 I tried other brand’s wearable air purifier before, but Airvida is the one I like the most. It’s soundless, windless, and superlight, so it won’t bother you...
40s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I suffer from hay fever and dust as well. It’s awesome that I slept through the night after wearing Airvida.
花粉症とハウスダストアレルギーなのですが、夜寝るときにつけて寝ると、朝調子いいです!音はスースー鳴っている程度で全く気になりません!充電しかで使い易いし、声を使う仕事をしているので職場でも愛用しています! I suffer from hay fever and dust as well. It’s awesome that I slept through the night after wearing Airvida. Airvida has very low sound, but it doesn’t bother me anymore. It has an emb...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

My itchy eyes and sore throat are improved a lot. It’s light enough that it won’t bother me at all in my daily life.
電車内、フィットネスクラブ、お買い物、家の中でも はずせません。目のかゆみ、喉のイガイガなども軽減されました。つけているのも忘れるくらい違和感はありません。 Whether on a metro, in a gym, in a market, or at home, I don’t want to take Airvida off. After using Airvida, my itchy eyes and sore throat are improved a lot. It’s light enough that it won’t bother m...
60s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

After using Airvida, I really felt comfortable. Why I hadn’t bought it earlier?
花粉症で、買おうか迷っているうちに花粉の時期が過ぎてしまいました。しかし、ちょっとした埃や人ごみで息苦しく、花粉前に試したいと購入しました。こんなに楽なら、もっと早く買えば良かった;毎日の生活にストレスなく使えています! Even not in the hay fever season, I still suffered from pollen. It took few months of consideration before purchasing an Airvida. Before I realized, the hay fever season has passed on alr...
40s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

Airvida is superlight. It can be worn with a collar clip or used as a desktop air purifier, which is a nice design.
以前、お店で見て、花粉症用にどうかなあと思ってて、今回、コロナもあり、購入しました。首につけても軽く、机の上に置いたり、クリップで留めたりできて、いいと思います。ちょっと高いかなあとは思いましたが、いい買い物だったと思います。 I saw Airvida before in a retail store, and I was considering to buy one to prevent hay fever at that time. Due to the pandemic, I finally made my decision. Airvida is superlight. It can...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

It did improve the allergy symptoms.
予想以上に軽くて音もせず、母親の為に購入しましたがとても喜んでくれました。アレルギー対策には役立ちそうです。充電も手軽で使いやすい商品だと思います。対応も早くて良かったです。ありがとうございました。 Airvida is lighter and more silence than I thought. As a present to my mom, she looked very happy to receiving it. Its very simple to charge, and it did improve the allergy symptoms. I will say it is...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I will buy it for my relatives as a birthday gift next time.
今回はプレゼント用に購入しました。コロナ禍でも外出が怖くなくなったと友人も大変喜んでくれてるようです。また家族の誕生日にもプレゼントしたいと思います。 I bought Airvida as a gift for a friend who is terrified to go out since the pandemic. Due to this, he is ecstatic after receiving it, I will buy it for my relatives as a birthday gift next time. <See original text>
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

After using Airvida, his sneezing and hay fever issue has improved a lot. Now, he is totally a fan of Airvida.
最初「そんなん!いらんのに」と言っていた主人 とりあえず、寝る時に枕元へ‥ 「会社に持って行ったら?」「いらん!いらん!」 朝、出勤する玄関で「うーん‥ 持って行こうかなぁ 空気清浄機」 花粉症も調子が良いようで、鼻をかむ回数も減り、今では、手放せないみたいです。 In the beginning, my husband said “I don’t need this!” So I placed the Airvida beside my pillow to test it. “Do you want to test it out while i...
40s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

Nowadays, I feel worried without Airvida. So I wear it everyday.
4ヶ月程前に花粉症のひどい主人へプレゼントしました。初日は思いっきり疑いながら使用していましたが、2日目には「こんなに鼻の通りがいいのはいつぶりかわからない!」と言い、ポケットティッシュの使用量が激減。効果が目元まで届かないのか、目のかゆみはあるようでしたが鼻にはすごく効果があったようで、今年は花粉を気にせず出掛けられました。あと毎年インフルにかかるけど今年は珍しくインフルにかからなかったです。今ではこれがないと不安だと言って毎日つけて過ごしてます。 About 4 months ago, I bought Airvida for my husband who suffers from ser...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

After using Airvida, it seems his sneezing and rhinitis has improved a lot.
花粉症のひどい息子のために購入しました。首かけのイオン発生器は持っているのですが、少し重いのであまり付けてくれなかったのが これは軽い!そして着脱が簡単なので 喜んで付けてくれました。そして どうやらずいぶん鼻が楽なようです。くしゃみもあまりしていないみたいです。購入してから毎日愛用しています。 I bought Airvida for my son who has serious hay fever issues. He once had another brand of wearable air purifier, but he refused wearing it because...
50s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I haven’t felt so comfortable for over 70 years during hay fever seasons.
今年3月に初めて買って使いましたが、確かに効く。効果ありです。70年生きてきて初めて花粉症に悩まされない春を経験しました。 ところが初めてのクルーズ旅行で船室に置き忘れてきたので再度の購入です。ちょっと高いですが仕方ありません。それだけの価値ある商品です。 I bought Airvida this March, and it really works. I haven’t felt so comfortable for over 70 years during hay fever seasons. However, I left it on a cruise ship last...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

After using Airvida, my sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery eyes have totally improved. Airvida really makes my life more comfortable.
重度の花粉症で目薬と飲み薬を服用していましたが薬を服用しなくても、くしゃみや鼻詰まり、涙も無くなり楽に過ごせるようになりました。 I have serious hay fever allergy, so I need to take medicine and apply eye drops during the pollen season. However, after using Airvida, my sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery eyes have totally improved. Airvida really makes my life more...
40s Male - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

Airvida is terrific, it’s far better than I expected.
花粉症に悩まされて購入。期待以上の効果で驚き。くしゃみがほぼ出ないし、マスクせず外出可能。充電も早いし今のところ問題なし。気になるのは寿命、故障せず長持ちして欲しいです。 I have serious hay fever allergy, and that’s the reason I bought Airvida. Airvida is terrific, it’s far better than I expected. After using it, my sneezing is almost gone. Right now, I’m not afrai...
Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I definitely feel that I am breathing easier and clearer.
Fantastic product, thinking of buying another! I’m so happy with my purchase, it has relieved my symptoms of hay-fever and I do use it when commuting too. I definitely feel that I am breathing easier and clearer. I like that it has dual functionality as a necklace and a clip on, so I can put i...
laura bartlett-napper
Amazon UK
Oct 16, 2023

After using Airvida, it seems he feels better even without wearing a mask. I really think Airvida is a good product.
アレルギー持ちの主人への誕生日プレゼントで購入しました。 この時期は花粉・PM2.5に反応してマスクが欠かせませんでしたが、マスクを着けなくても耐えれそうでした。 いいお買い物をしました。 I bought Airvida as a birthday present for my husband. In this period, mask is a must to avoid pollen and PM2.5. But after using Airvida, it seems he feels better even without wearing a mask. I really thin...
40s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

For the First-Ever Wearable Ionic Air Purifier with Bluetooth Earphones, ible Awarded the First Place of Symbol of National Quality for the Fourth Time
For those who are vulnerable to air pollutants and allergens, home-use air purifiers may offer them protection at home. However, when they go to work/school or go travelling, how can they breathe in clean air? ible Tech. developed unique Eco Ion technology to purify air wherever users are. Since ibl...
Feb 23, 2023

It improved my hay fever allergy symptoms a lot.
この携帯型空気清浄機は、家族やその配偶者等、8個目の購入です。軽くて、つけていて負担にならないのが一番良いです。コロナ対策に購入しましたが、どの程度効果があるのかは分かりません。私自身は、花粉症には明らかに効果がありました。つけていないより少しは効果があるかも、と信じて毎日つけています I bought 8 pcs Airvida for my family. The best part is that it’s very light, so it won’t bother you while wearing. Although I can’t test i...
60s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I suffer from lot of congestion and usually don’t sleep very well. But since wearing this extremely comfortable necklace. My sleep quality and my breathing has improved.
Awesome device Since purchasing this item i have actually been surprised to how effective it actually is. I suffer from lot of congestion and usually don’t sleep very well. But since wearing this extremely comfortable necklace. My sleep quality and my breathing has improved. I live next to a g...
Amazon UK
Oct 16, 2023

My husband doubted it before, but now he has also become a fan of Airvida.
毎年苦しんでいる花粉症対策のために 自分用と主人用の二つ 購入させていただきました。 軽くて 音もないので つけていることを忘れるくらいです。 付けていると 森林の中にいるような感じで とてもいいです。 使うまで 半信半疑だった主人も これはいい。と喜んでいます。 人混みに行くときにも 重宝しそうです。 To prevent from hay fever allergy, I bought 2 Airvida for myself and my husband. Airvida is so light and soundless, so sometimes I don’t even...
50s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

After wearing Airvida, I can go out without wearing a mask during hay fever season!
あまりにも花粉症の症状が酷い時に、半信半疑で購入。正直驚きました!マスクをしなくても外出できるなんて!10数年ぶりにこの季節を快適に過ごせてます。本当に購入して良かった!ただ、周りからは必ず「それ何?」と聞かれ、説明しても半笑いされます。でも効果は自分で実感しているので、それが全て。私は大丈夫でしたが、同じく花粉症で悩んでいる父に勧めたところ、『キツイ』とのこと。大きめサイズもあるといいですね。 I bought Airvida at the time suffering serious hay fever allergy. Actually, I bought it with...
30s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

Since wearing it I feel a difference to my breathing and I also do not sneeze anymore.
5.0 out of 5 stars Works well It’s effective I decided to try this because I suffer from allergies and because I liked it’s discreet size. I’m glad I had bought it though as I am pleased with the results. Since wearing it I feel a difference to my breathing and I also do not sneeze anymore. I love t...
Amazon UK
Oct 16, 2023

He feels much better while wearing Airvida during hay fever season.
父が以前から使用しており、2つ目を購入しました。花粉症の父ですが、花粉の時期にも付けていると調子が良い気がすると言っていましたし、付けていても音は全く気にならないそうで、毎日愛用しています。 My dad has used Airvida before, so this is the second time of purchase. My dad has hay fever symptoms, and he feels much better while wearing Airvida during hay fever season. Airvida is very quiet, so it...
20s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

Even outdoors, like playing golf, the sneezing and running nose has been improved.
試しに買ってみましたが、ましになりました。 花粉症がなくなるということはありませんが、 症状がかなり軽減されます。 ゴルフにて使用しましたが外でもくしゃみや鼻水の症状がましになりました。 I bought Airvida for a trial, and the result is so good. Although the hay fever issue is not totally gone but, it has been improved a lot. Even outdoors, like playing golf, the sneezing and running nose has...
30s Male - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

When the Airvida is on, the pollen sniffles and sneezing go away
When the Airvida is on, the pollen sniffles and sneezing go away Reviews on these types of products are always challenging as one can not definitely see results or what’s happening but let me tell you I for one have seen a noticeable benefit from its use. As I review we are in peak pollen and...
Chester County
Amazon US
Oct 16, 2023

My sore throat and itchy eyes has improved.
つけてすぐに、喉の痛み、目のかゆみが軽減しました。普段は花粉シーズン、目ヤニで目が開かないが、これを使い始めてからなんともなくなり、感謝です! In the previous hay fever seasons, I cannot open my eyes. After using Airvida, my sore throat and itchy eyes has improved. I’m so grateful for Airvida. <See original text>
30s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

If you are suffering from hay fever, Airvida is the product you cannot ignore.
とにかく、最高 本当に、花粉症の方おためしあれ All in all, it’s terrific! If you are suffering from hay fever, Airvida is the product you cannot ignore. <See original text>
60s Female - Rakuten Japan
Dec 5, 2021

I’ve been symptom-free for 7 days and on the road without medication
Heuschnupfen +Bin seid 7 Tage Symtom Frei und ohne medikamente unterwegs +Akku haltet locker den ganzen tag aus +Klein und kompakt hay fever + I’ve been symptom-free for 7 days and on the road without medication + The battery easily lasts the whole day + Small and compact <See original text>
Swiss e-commerce GALAXUS
Oct 16, 2023

Junior hasn’t taken any medication since then and he doesn’t need any more eye drops either.
funktioniert! ich bin begeistert…. Junior nimmt und braucht seither keine Medikamente mehr und auch die Augentropfen fallen weg. Mir gefällt er besser ohne rote Nase. +Gräser Allergie It works! I’m thrilled…. Junior hasn’t taken any medication since then and he doesn’t...
Swiss e-commerce GALAXUS
Oct 16, 2023

Unlike before, I no longer smell the exhaust fumes from vehicles.
這兩週體驗下來⋯在每天至少一小時以上,明顯不像以前會聞到汽機車排放的油煙味!而在夜市老房子的居住處,不僅窗外異味、室內壁癌發霉狀況,原本常常明顯感受到鼻腔到喉嚨之間,會癢癢的,在這兩週試用下,偶爾會癢而已。 After two weeks of using Airvida, at least an hour each day, I’ve noticed a significant change. Unlike before, I no longer smell the exhaust fumes from vehicles. I live in an old building ne...
Jan 14, 2021

Airvida works tip top for us for those suffering from hay fever.
Funktioniert einwandfrei Ich kann dem anderen Kommentar nicht zustimmen. Airvida funktioniert bei uns TipTop für Heuschnupfengepeinigte. +Kein Augenbrennen mehr Works flawlessly I can’t agree with the other comment. Airvida works tip top for us for those suffering from hay fever. + No more bur...
Swiss e-commerce GALAXUS
Oct 16, 2023

It’s hay fever season and i don’t suffer from it
So weit, so gut. Es ist Heuschnupfensaison und ich leide nicht darunter – und habe auch keine Medikamente eingenommen. So far so good. It’s hay fever season and i don’t suffer from it – nor have I taken any medication. <See original text>
Janet Rapley
Swiss e-commerce GALAXUS
Oct 16, 2023

When cooking at home, I not only turn on the air purifier but also always wear Airvida for added protection.
在疫情期間,口罩非常重要,但如在外用餐或任何需取下口罩時,Airvida則可提供最佳防護。在非疫情時,環境PM2.5是造成全身各種癌症的重要因子,而Airvida可提供隱形的防護盾保護我們的健康。現在在家炒菜時除了開啓空氣濾清器外也一定配戴Airvida。 During the pandemic, masks are crucial, but when it comes to dining out or any situation requiring taking off our masks , Airvida provides optimal protection. Even outside...
Jan 14, 2021

I’ve been able to save myself the medication for 4 days.
Funktioniert Geräuschlos und Effektiv, so wie der Hans am 06.06.2023 Kommentiert hat. Ich trage den Luftreiniger mittels Klipp am Poloshirt, da ich nicht so auf Ketten um den Hals stehe. Verbesserungspotential: -Preis -Veralteter USB-Anschluss Typ B Gebe trotzdem 5 Sterne da ich mir die Medikamete s...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

At home and in the office, the hay fever symptoms are practically gone and, depending on the wind, outdoors too.
Ich habe mich lange dagegen gesträubt den Airvida zu bestellen, da der Preis doch etwas hoch ist und ich an der Funktionsweise gezweifelt habe. Nun möchte ich diesen kleinen Helfer nicht mehr missen. Zuhause und im Büro sind die Heuschnupfen-Beschwerden praktisch weg und im Freien je nach Wind auch....
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

There is a significant reduction in sneezing and allergy symptoms. During work, it purifies the surrounding air without making any noise.
產品使用上很方便,戴上去美觀又有型,充電一次可以使用整整一至兩天,本身工作環境在中部,空氣常常不佳,在規律不間斷使用時,打噴嚏和過敏的現象有顯著減少,在工作使用時完全沒有聲音就可以淨化周遭的空氣,誠心推薦大家買來認真使用看看 The product is very convenient to use, looks stylish when worn, and a single charge lasts a whole day or even two. I work in the central region where the air quality is often poor. When u...
Kai Cos
Jan 14, 2021

It’s hard to believe, but these ions really help to drive away the pollen.
Bin echt begeistert von diesem kleinen Ding. Es ist unauffällig und hat einen extrem lange Akkulaufzeit. Ist auch schnell wieder geladen und einsatzbereit. Die Wirkung ist wirklich super. Man glaubt es kaum, aber diese Ionen helfen wirklich die Pollen zu vertreiben. Selbst bei Wind nützt es. Ich mer...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

I used to wake up every morning with a stuffy nose and sneezing, but now it’s completely gone!
鼻過敏30年了,看到這個穿戴式空氣清淨機心裡想真的有用嗎?買來試了2週真的差很多,原本一早都要鼻塞打噴嚏的,現在完全不會了!超神奇的啦~推推 After suffering from nasal allergies for 30 years, when I saw this wearable air purifier, I wondered if it would really work. After trying it for 2 weeks, the difference is significant. I used to wake up every morning with a stuf...
Jan 14, 2021

ible Donates Wearable Air Purifier Airvida to Support Taipei City Hospital’s Medical Staffs on International Nurses Day
With Omicron sweeping around the world, Taiwan encountered an outbreak of COVID-19 with rise in positive cases in 2022. Due to this pandemic impact, medical staffs are under enormous pressure for a long time. In order to support those medical staffs, ible, Real Estate Development, and Utop Developme...
May 10, 2022

Since wearing Airvida, I was able to stop taking the tablets immediately and the itching in my eyes was also gone.
Glaubte nicht an die Wirkung, aber habe es einfach einmal versucht, wie vieles andere auch gegen Heuschnupfen. Aber da ich es zu meinem Geburtstag bekommen habe, habe ich es trotzdem ausprobiert. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt musste ich regelmässig Tabletten, Augentropfen, Asthmaspray nehmen sowie meine A...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

I’ve noticed a significant reduction in allergic symptoms related to cat hair.
家裡多貓多毛,使用後對於貓毛有明顯減緩過敏症狀 After using it at home, where there are many cats with a lot of fur, I’ve noticed a significant reduction in allergic symptoms related to cat hair. <See original text>
Jan 14, 2021

To my great astonishment, the pollen nightmare was over after 3 days.
Da meine Augen wieder mal so richtig brannten und das Beissen fast unerträglich wurde, hängte ich mir trotz anfänglicher Skeptik das Airvida Halsband um. Zu meinem riesen Erstaunen war der Pollenspuk nach 3 Tagen vorbei. Ich brauche keine Medikamente und keine Augentropfen mehr. Ich habe rund 30 Jah...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

It’s easy to wear, with options for clipping or directly using the magnetic attachment. Using the air purifier ensures that dirty air and viruses are not a concern when removing masks.
為了防疫買了ible 系列給小朋友使用,大人配戴的外觀時尚、小朋友的動物系列也很可愛,而且穿戴方便,可夾可直接磁吸式穿戴,外出時吃飯使用空氣清淨機,也不怕脫口罩時吸附髒空氣及病毒,後續又添購給家人使用,超推 For epidemic prevention, I bought the ible Airvida series for children. The adult version has a stylish appearance, and the animal-themed design for children is also adorable. It’s easy to w...
Ya Yu Huang
Jan 14, 2021

A really great gadget for allergy sufferers.
Für Allergiker ein wirklich tolles Gadget. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass der Airvida M1 so toll funktioniert. Einzig, was ich jetzt vermisst, habe diesen frühling, ist, dass wir dank des hässlichen Wetters kaum Pollenprobleme hatten und ich das Airvida M1 fast schon zu wenig gebraucht hab 🙂 A really...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

My son has much fewer problems, the cats are also doing much better, medication is no longer necessary.
Eine tolle Erfindung! Mein Sohn hat viel weniger Probleme (Heuschnupfen), auch mit den Katzen geht es viel besser, Medis sind nicht mehr nötig. Danke A great invention! My son has much fewer problems (hay fever), the cats are also doing much better, medication is no longer necessary. Thanks <See ori...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

Since the pollen outside was very strong, he had a trip to the forest without coughing, red eyes and heavy breathing.
Die beste Investition für die Gesundheit meines Kindes. Jetzt führt er ein normalesLeben in der Schule. Da die Pollen draußen sehr stark waren, hatte er einen Ausflug in den Wald, ohne Husten, rote Augen und schweres Atmen. Ich empfehle sehr. The best investment for my child’s health. Now he l...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

No matter where I go, my nose is no longer stuffy
Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr! Es hilft tatsächlich. Egal wohin ich gehe, die Nase ist nicht mehr verstopft und benötige daher «fast» keine Tabletten mehr gegen Allergie (es gibt mir irgendwie ein gutes Gefühl!). Ausserdem schützt dies auch gegen Bakterien- und Virusinfektion (kein Masken tragen ), red...
Swiss e-commerce BRACK.CH
Oct 16, 2023

This product is, in my opinion, the best-looking and most high-quality portable air purifier currently available on the market.
這個產品是我看過目前市面上最好看,最有質感的隨身空氣濾淨器了,而且也不大需要去照顧他,帶上去感覺就像一個精品一樣,整個人的質感也跟著提升不少,加上本人有鼻子過敏,帶過之後也有改善過敏現象,值得推薦 This product is, in my opinion, the best-looking and most high-quality portable air purifier currently available on the market. It doesn’t require much maintenance, and wearing it feels like havi...
Danny Chen
Jan 15, 2021

During air pollution, I can confidently engage in outdoor activities, reducing allergy-induced sneezing.
空污期間可以安心在戶外活動,減少過敏打噴嚏,疫情及流感期也放心以負離子保護鼻腔,安心的於室內聚餐,外出必備的頸鍊。 During air pollution, I can confidently engage in outdoor activities, reducing allergy-induced sneezing. In times of pandemics and flu seasons, I feel reassured protecting my nasal passages with negative ions. I feel safe when having indoor g...
Wang Betty
Jan 15, 2021

After using this product, I no longer have to take several packets of allergy medicine every day.
使用之後不用每天好幾包中西藥過敏藥一直吃,每天吃那麼多藥也蠻擔心以後要洗腎~用了這個產品後鼻塞次數降低,也不需要吃那麼多藥了 After using this product, I no longer have to take several packets of allergy medicine every day. I was worried about potential kidney issues from taking so much medication daily. Since using this product, the frequency of nasal congesti...
Jan 15, 2021

Most importantly, it is effective. I was convinced to make the purchase when I saw the report stating that it can remove the COVID-19 virus.
在新冠疫情期間購入ible M1,每天戴著覺得很安心,這台隨身的空氣清淨機真的很強大,各項檢測數據在官網都能找到,我個人最有感是過敏狀況變輕了,皮膚比較不會癢,也比較不會想揉眼睛,對二手煙很敏感的狀況也減輕,我同事也因我推薦購入,他男友戴上的第二天突然很緊張的對她說:你快看我的項鍊是不是壞了,為什麼我一直咳嗽,結果是…沒電了!我想表達的是這台真的必須買,以一台無耗材又能隨身攜帶的空氣清淨機,這個價格真的很可以,重點是有效,我是ㄧ看數據報告竟然可以摧毀新冠病毒,我就豪無考慮立馬購入! During the COVID-19 pandemic, I purchased an Airvi...
Hanling Chen
Jan 15, 2021

It’s truly very effective! My daughter has a severe allergy to dust mites, air pollutants, and pet dander.
真的非常好用、女兒是嚴重塵蟎、空污,寵物毛過敏體質!戴上第一個晚上,早上起床後居然不會包水餃(狂流鼻涕打噴嚏)媽媽感到半信半疑!有天游泳課後忘記帶回,下午就開始症狀發作,驚覺是不是忘記戴回Airvida!之後就再也不能沒有它!買了兩條hello kitty 交換著戴(因為需充電)不關機一條可配戴三天左右,造型也可愛、小女生超愛,同學都一直詢問,說也想戴!真的是真心推薦的好物阿。 It’s truly very effective! My daughter has a severe allergy to dust mites, air pollutants, and pet dand...
Jan 15, 2021

With my children using the Airvida wearable air purifier, there has been a noticeable reduction in the number of times they’ve caught a cold at school.
在小朋友使用Airvida穿戴式空氣清淨機下,在學校被傳染感冒的次數有明顯減少。在疫情期間更是有顯著的成效。 With my children using the Airvida wearable air purifier, there has been a noticeable reduction in the number of times they’ve caught a cold at school. The effectiveness has been particularly significant during the pandemic. <See original...
Chao Hsin Fang
Jan 15, 2021

It’s suitable for bringing abroad for travel. My families have experienced improvements in their usual allergy issues after wearing Airvida.
產品輕巧佩載很方便,也沒什麼耗材,帶上小孩上課比較不容易感染病毒安心很多,很適合帶出國遊玩,家人佩戴有改善平常過敏問題,售後服務窗口很棒,有問題都可以有效獲得解答 The product is lightweight and easy to carry, with minimal consumables. It’s convenient to bring, and when the child wears it to school, the risk of virus infection is reduced, bringing much peace of mind. It...
Greta Chiu
Jan 15, 2021

Now, we always wear it when going out or to school to guard against air pollution or viruses.
一開始是由朋友大力推薦關於ible產品!說在對於病毒以及過敏都有一定的幫助!所以毫不猶豫幫全家都買了一台Airvida M1!家裡孩子一直以來都很容易打噴嚏流鼻水~自從佩戴之後,明顯症狀改善了很多!現在只要外出或是上學都會佩戴以防空污或是病毒~ I was initially introduced to the ible product by a friend who highly recommended it, emphasizing its assistance against viruses and allergies. Without hesitation, I bought an A...
Teresa Chen
Jan 15, 2021

Shape the Future of Health – ible Tech. to Reveal the First Wearable Ionic Air Purifier with Noise-Cancelling Earphones at London Tech Week and VivaTech 2023
ible Technology, a Taiwan-based wearable device company, will announce Airvida E1 – an innovative health solution integrating air purification, noise-cancelling earphones, and real-time air quality information – in London Tech Week and VivaTech. More than 110,000 visitors are expected to celebrate t...
Jun 12, 2023

Excellent quality, ible standard
คุณภาพ: ดีงามมาตรฐานไอเบิ้ล การใช้งาน: ดีค่ะ ชอบยี่ห้อนี้ เดิมใช้เครื่องฟอกอากาศพกพายี่ห้อนี้อยู่แล้ว ชอบ Design และขนาดเล็กกะทัดรัดทันสมัย มีติดตัวไว้ดีงามดีงาม Excellent quality, ible standard Good usability, I like this brand I used the same brand of wearable air purifier before. I like the desig...
May 30, 2020

Our family safely navigated through the most critical three years of the pandemic, and now we continue to wear them.
台中的空汙真的蠻嚴重,家中有三個過敏體質的,尤其近幾年的新冠疫情⋯太太一口氣就買了四台來使用,孩子平安渡過疫情最嚴重的三年,現在還是一直持續的佩戴⋯ The air pollution in Taichung is indeed quite severe. There are three family members with allergic tendencies. Especially during the past few years of the COVID-19 pandemic, my wife bought four units at once. Our family safel...
Jan 15, 2021

Wearable air purifier. It’s a must-have in this era due to PM 2.5 pollution, other / Take care.
คุณภาพ: คุณภาพมาตรฐาน ible การใช้งาน: การใช้งานสะดวกเพราะเครื่องเล็กดีค่ะ เครื่องฟอกอากาศขนาดพกพา ยุคนี้ของมันต้องมีค่ะเนื่องจากมลภาวะ PM 2.5 , other / Take care ค่ะ Quality: ible standard quality Usage: Easy to use because the product is small. Wearable air purifier. It’s a must-have in this...
May 30, 2020

Filters dirty air and allergens, reduces the frequency of itching nose and sneezing.
過濾髒空氣、過敏源,鼻子癢及打噴嚏次數減少,體積小,方便攜帶。遇到產品問題時有人員會處理,令消費者使用者感到安心。 Filters dirty air and allergens, reduces the frequency of itching nose and sneezing. The small size makes it convenient to carry. When encountering issues with the product, the staff at ible promptly handles them, providing a sense of securit...
Jan 15, 2021

Only managed to test while I was painting and I was amazed it truly works: no headache, nasal drip or itchy eyes.
Good Points: As a allergy sufferer triggered by chemical smells and pollution life can get pretty miserable. Only managed to test while I was painting (I already use Crown Breath Easy) and I was amazed it truly works: no headache, nasal drip or itchy eyes. I could still smell the paint but it was th...
Amazon UK
Oct 16, 2023

ible Airvida T1 Wins GATES 2024 Product Innovation Award, Redefining Personal Air Purification
ible, a global leader in personal air purification solutions, has been honored with the Product Innovation Award at GATES 2024. This prestigious event, held in India this year, is one of the most influential technology conferences in the Asia-Pacific region, drawing top tech companies and industry l...
Oct 21, 2024

I have allergic tendencies, and discomfort in the nose due to air quality and dust mites is common. There has been an improvement after wearing M1.
本身有過敏體質容易因為空氣品質、塵蟎等原因造成鼻子不舒服,小孩也遺傳到相同情形,配戴M1後有改善的效果,特別是小孩的情況配戴後效果非常明顯。個人推薦M1,操作方便,清潔容易,磁吸式鈦繩小孩配戴也安全不勒脖,加上時尚外型各種穿著都百搭,非常推薦! I have allergic tendencies, and discomfort in the nose due to air quality and dust mites is common. My child has inherited the same situation. There has been an improvement afte...
Jason Lin
Jan 15, 2021

I feel better breathing.
รู้สึกหายใจดีขึ้น I feel better breathing. <See original text>
May 30, 2020

Second-time purchase of the product. It provides health protection for my family and I highly recommend it.
送件快速,包裝完整,商品二次回購,提供家人健康保衛,值得推薦 Fast delivery, complete packaging, second-time purchase of the product. It provides health protection for my family and I highly recommend it. <See original text>
Jan 22, 2021

Wearing ible, I can go through the pandemic with peace of mind.
戴上ible 安心渡過疫情,Airvida穿戴式負離子空氣清淨機除了有效淨化空氣,又能為自己的服裝做搭配,讚啦! Wearing ible, I can go through the pandemic with peace of mind. The Airvida wearable ionic air purifier not only effectively purifies the air but also complements my clothing. Thumbs up! <See original text>
Rita Du
Jan 15, 2021

I saw my friend using it, so I bought it to try. It is perfect for this time when the PM2.5 levels are so high.
คุณภาพ: ดี การใช้งาน: ง่าย -ร้านนี้เป็น ร้าน official ไว้ใจได้ -สินค้า ส่งไว -แพคเกจดูดี ประกอบง่าย -ซื้อตอนลดราคา และ ใช้ร่วมกับโค้ดลด 15% เหลือ 4 พันกว่าบาท -เห็นเพื่อนใช้ เลยซื้อมาลองใช้ เหมาะกับช่วงนี้ ที่มีค่าฝุ่น pm2.5 น่ากลัวมาก Good quality Easy to use The shop is an official store that is r...
May 30, 2020

A fantastic product! It’s fits well with different outfits.
很棒的產品,產品也很百搭,已回購第二個了,值得推薦的產品 A fantastic product! It’s fits well with different outfits, and I’ve already repurchased the second one. Highly recommended! <See original text>
Jan 22, 2021

The product is very good. I ordered it for my mom and she loves it.
คุณภาพ: ดี การใช้งาน: ดี สินค้าดีมาก สั่งมาให้แม่ใช้แม่ชอบ จะได้ไม่ต้องกังวลใช้ตอนไปเที่ยว ไปกินข้าวกับเพื่อนๆ ดีมาก เยี่ยม ชอบ Quality: Good Usage: Good The product is very good. I ordered it for my mom and she loves it. Now she doesn’t have to worry about using it when she travels or goes ou...
May 30, 2020

Amazed because there’s really no allergy after using it.
有驚艷到.因為用了真的就沒有過敏了.甚至當下過敏也能戴上後立即改善.有想買第二條 Amazed because there’s really no allergy after using it. Even when experiencing allergies at the moment, wearing it immediately improves the situation. I’m considering buying a second one. <See original text>
Shopee Mall
Jan 15, 2021

ible Becomes a Hit in Japan: 97% of Hay Fever Sufferers on Rakuten Praise the Product; To Be Showcased at “2024 Taiwan Excellence Concept Pavilion” in Eslite Life Nihonbashi
The Airvida wearable air purifier series, which 97% of hay fever sufferers on Rakuten Japan reported as providing noticeable improvement, will be showcased at the “2024 Taiwan Excellence Pavilion” at Eslite Spectrum Nihonbashi! ible will be exhibiting the “3-way usage” Airvid...
Jul 10, 2024

ible Airvida won the first place again at SNQ (Symbol of National Quality) for the 3 consecutive years!
2020 & 2021 are the years of uncertainties which COVID-19 affected the world at large. Due to this pandemic impact, people begin to show great concern on air-related topics. In 2021, ible Airvida family was certified by the Infectious Disease Core Facility, Academia Sinica (Taiwan, R.O.C.) about...
Feb 9, 2022

When my daughter goes outside without a mask, wearing this gives her a greater sense of security!
我女兒很喜歡!戴這個出門沒有戴口罩也比較安心! My daughter loves it! When she goes outside without a mask, wearing this gives her a greater sense of security! <See original text>
Jan 22, 2021

No disappointments, it safe for my kids when they wearing it to school.
คุณภาพ: น่ารักมากกก\nเครื่องนี้คือเครื่องที่ 5 แล้วน่ารัก ไม่ผิดหวัง ไม่ช๊อต เด็กๆใส่ไปรร.ป้องกันฝุ่นได้ดี แต่เสียอย่างเดียว ตัวขนเปลี่ยนไม่ได้ต้องซื้อเครื่องใหม่อย่างเดียว quality: Very cute This is my five times to purchase and it’s cute. No disappointments, it safe for my kids when they wea...
May 30, 2020

Surprisingly, I discovered that the ible product does have a deodorizing function!
意外的發現ible 產品真的有除臭功能! 今天拿到產品後第一次帶出門使用,在路邊攔截到一台味道很重的計程車,原本還在頭痛苦惱時,突然發現味道漸漸變淡,雖然車上奇怪的味道無法完全消失,但是個很意外的體會 Surprisingly, I discovered that the ible product does have a deodorizing function! Today, after receiving the product, I used it for the first time when going out. I encountered a taxi on the roadsid...
Jan 15, 2021

She said that she sneeze less and have less runny nose.
คุณภาพ: ดีมาก การใช้งาน: ดีมาก ให้ลูกใส่ไปรร.ลูกบอกจามน้อยลงน้ำมูกไม่ค่อยมีแล้วคุ้มค่าเงินที่สุดต้องมีค่ะเสียใจไม่ซื้อให้เร็วกว่านี้ Excellent quality Excellent usability I bought this wearable air purifier for my child to wear to school. She said that she sneeze less and have less runny nose. It is...
May 30, 2020

We deserve to have better air quality!
My daughter suffers from severe allergy. She is constantly sneezing while doing homework and studying and it is very hard for her to concentrate due to her allergic symptoms when triggered. After using Airvida, her symptoms has also improved significantly.
Phar. Chuang
Jan 19, 2022

ible Tech. Will Reveal the First Air Purifier with Built-in Earphones around the World at CES 2022
2020 & 2021 are the years of uncertainties with Covid-19 affecting the world at large. Due to this pandemic impact, people begin to show great concern on air-related topics. ible Airvida family, certified wearable ionic air purifiers using unique Breathing Pathway Eco Ion Technology to purify s...
Dec 29, 2021

Symptoms of nasal swelling are reduced after wearing Airvida!
The most effective ways to prevent allergic reactions are reduce the chance of inhaling, contacting, and ingesting allergens. It is very hard for me to stop symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, and difficulty breathing when my allergy is triggered. After wearing Airvida, I see a significant...
Dr. Hsieh
Division of Family Medicine
Jan 19, 2022

Incorporate innovation and value, ible Airvida M1 earned 2022 Taiwan Excellence Awards!
The Taiwan Excellence Awards are annual awards that are conferred by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (Taiwan, R.O.C.) and Taiwan External Trade Development Council to admire Taiwanese companies which incorporate innovation and value into their products. At 2022 Taiwan Excellence Awards, ible Airvid...
Jan 2, 2022

Have an extra layer of protection for your health beside wearing mask.
I chose to use Airvida because I want to have extra protection for my respiratory tract since the effect of prolonged exposure to air pollution, especially at high levels, can lead to serious conditions including stroke and lung cancer. Airvida products are certified and tested by leading laboratori...
Dr. Lin
Division of Plastic Surgery
Jan 19, 2022

Significant difference between wearing and not wearing!
I have severe nasal allergy so I have to take one Antihistamine every night in order to prevent it acting up in the morning. After wearing Airvida for a month, my allergic symptoms have gradually reduced and the frequence for medication has also reduced from daily to only when needed!
Phar. Hsu
Jan 19, 2022

The fourth Airvida product I bought.
已經是回購第四條,這次是送前往國外的家人 The fourth Airvida product I bought, a gift for my family heading for an overseas country. <See original text>
Jan 15, 2021

Allergy symptoms in the child have significantly reduced!
超級棒!!!!小孩過敏症狀明顯少很多!!!而且對於磁扣導致項鍊易掉落,廠商有努力(加黑色套子),小孩本來是不喜歡戴東西的,但是這個很輕,他可以接受,非常推薦! Superb!!! Allergy symptoms in the child have significantly reduced!!! Moreover, the manufacturer has made efforts to address the issue of the magnetic clasp causing the necklace to easily come off by adding a black cover...
Jan 15, 2021

I would often sneeze and have a stuffy nose when going out. I will keep wearing the product to see whether it is effective in the long run.
目前使用幾天的效果還不錯,以往出門就容易打噴嚏鼻塞,效果可持續測試 I have been using Airvida for several days, and so far it has been effective. In the past, I would often sneeze and have a stuffy nose when going out. I will keep wearing the product to see whether it is effective in the long run. <See original text>
Jan 15, 2021

ible Airvida L1 now hits Japan market
ible Airvida L1, a trendy wearable ionic air purifier, is available in Japan now. Airvida L1 features ergonomic design with powerful 2 million negative ions/ cm3 generation capacity. The amount of 2 million negative ions/ cm3 is 100 times of that emitted by a natural waterfall. Numerous negative ion...
Sep 15, 2017

ible Technology named as CES 2023 Innovation Awards Honoree
ible Technology, an IOT and wearable device company in Taiwan, is very honored to be named a CES® 2023 Innovation Awards Honoree for its latest invention, Airvida T1. This is the second time for ible to be recognized by CES after winning an award from CES in 2020. The CES Innovation Awards program i...
Jan 3, 2023

Ringolf introduces ible Airvida L1 to avoid hay fever discomfort
Ringolf, a club for women golf lovers in Japan, introduces ible Airvida L1 to their members before the approaching hay fever season. The introducing video from Ringolf can be found in below link: https://youtu.be/999V1W1JruY During the hay fever season, playing golf maybe not that happy for some gol...
Apr 10, 2018

ible Airvida M1 is available today
ible Airvida M1, the smallest ionic air purifier, is available today in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Airvida M1 features an exquisite workmanship with 5.7cm length and superlight 20g weight, meanwhile consistently generates 2 million negative ions/ cm3. Impressively, Airvida M1’s 2 million n...
Jun 1, 2018

Earn international recognition! ible won 3rd prize at Selangor International Pitch
Held at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC), the Selangor Smart City & Digital Economy Convention 2018 reached to its climax on Sep. 14th. As many audiences hold their breath and stared carefully at the stage, the host announced the prizes of Selangor International Pit...
Sep 21, 2018

Airvida L1 wearable air purifier is released at Galeries Lafayette
Airvida L1 is released at Galeries Lafayette in Indonesia! Friends lived in Indonesia now can purchase Airvida at physical channel besides online store. You can know more about the product by wear it and touch it. For people who travel to Indonesia, if you visit Galeries Lafayette and find ible’s pr...
Dec 3, 2018

Best purifier for home and office recommended by Evening Standard!
According to a statistical report released by UK government, air pollution leads to the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Monitoring air quality become more and more important. Airvida is the best air purifier recommended by Evening Sytandard. Best Air purifiers recommended by Evening...
Mar 30, 2018

ible Airvida C1 is available today
ible Airvida C1, the smallest ionic air purifier for kids, is available today in Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan. Airvida C1 is superlight 22g weight. It consistently generates 2 million negative ions/cm3 which is 100 times of the amount concentrated by a natural waterfall around your baby’s every 0.6...
Apr 1, 2019

ible Airvida will join iFA 2019
The IFA or Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (International radio exhibition Berlin, a.k.a. ‘Berlin Radio Show’) is one of the oldest industrial exhibitions in Germany. As the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics, IFA will present the trends that inspire millions of customers’ Chr...
Jul 31, 2019

ible Airvida family now hits Thailand market
ible Airvida family, since 2016, is famous for its PM2.5, pollen, and allergen removal ability. Refer to the customer reviews in Japan Rakuten (Reference: https://review.rakuten.co.jp/item/1/205798_10064548/1.1/), ible Airvida has 4.37 high point from Japanese end users. Sold in 10 countries around...
Aug 26, 2019

ible Tech. wins “Winner of Sectors” prize at SLINGSHOT 2019
Every year in Singapore, the most disruptive and innovative technologies take the spotlight at SLINGSHOT, the hottest deep tech startup pitching competition in Asia. At SLINGSHOT 2019, the world’s most promising startups across six industry tracks – from manufacturing, logistics and transportation,...
Nov 18, 2019

ible Airvida wins Silver Awards at 2019 SNQ (Symbol of National Quality)
ible Airvida C1 wearable air purifier was certified by SNQ national quality and earned “Silver Awards” on epidemic prevention category at 2019 SNQ ceremony. SNQ is the national biomedical certification in Taiwan (R.O.C.); it requires scientific evidences as well as formal examination reports to be v...
Dec 16, 2019

ible Airvida wins Innovation Awards at CES 2020
CES is the world’s gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It is the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace. CES 2020 showcased more than 4,400 exhibiting companies, including manufacturers, developers and suppliers...
Jan 15, 2020

ible Airvida has been awarded first prize again at the 2020 SNQ Awards! (Symbol of National Quality)
SNQ is the highest level award of national biomedical certification in Taiwan (R.O.C). The award is strictly audited by the most influential experts to ensure that consumers can have access to the most effective, safe and healthy products. SNQ recently announced the winners of 2020, it is no surpris...
Dec 29, 2020

ible Airvida Is Recognized by StartupBlink (UNAIDS)’s Coronavirus Innovation Map
2020 is a year of uncertainties which Covid-19 substantially disturbed the whole world. It can be observed that people paid more and more attention on their health and safety. ible Airvida, the smallest air purifier over the world, applies ible’s unique Breathing Pathway Eco Ion Technology which can...
Apr 30, 2021

Fighting against air pollution, I chose Airvida.
Air pollution has a huge impact on human health. To avoid breathing in PM2.5 and air pollution, I chose Airvida to protect myself; Also I found the airborne allergy issues of my relatives and patients had been improved largely after using Airvida!
Phar. Huang
Jan 19, 2022

As air quality becomes terrible day by day, it’s quite important to purify air everywhere!
My living place is surrounded by polluted air, so I often have a stuffy nose and itchy eyes even wearing a mask. I also have rhinitis issue. After wearing Airvida, the aforementioned condition is really improved! Besides, I need to work in a surgery room for a long time, thus it’s very critical abou...
Dr. Chen
Division of Anesthesiology
Jan 19, 2022

ible Airvida wearable air purifier was awarded the 2022 German Innovation Award
In recent years, deteriorated air quality in conjunction with COVID-19 epidemic all over the world have drawn more and more attention on invisible viruses, bacteria, and aerosols such as PM2.5 and pollen. At this moment, ible Tech invented brand new “breathing-path ecological ion” techno...
Jun 8, 2022