Testimonials from Users

No matter where I go, my nose is no longer stuffy
Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr! Es hilft tatsächlich. Egal wohin ich gehe, die Nase ist nicht mehr verstopft und benötige daher «fast» keine Tabletten mehr gegen Allergie (es gibt mir irgendwie ein gutes Gefühl!). Ausserdem schützt dies auch gegen Bakterien- und Virusinfektion (kein Masken tragen ), reduziert Beschwerden von Formaldehyd, Schützt gegen Staub, Zigarettenrauch. Das Gerät ist nicht auffällig, sondern dezent. Es ist ein einfacher, portabler, wartungsarmer, leichter Mini-Luftreiniger (kein Gadget!) und kann bei nicht Bedarf abgeschaltet werden. Die Halskette aus Titanium regt anscheinend auch die Durchblutung und Sauerstoffwechsel an.
Hard to believe, but true! It actually helps. No matter where I go, my nose is no longer stuffy and I therefore “almost” no longer need allergy pills (it somehow makes me feel good!). This also protects against bacterial and viral infections (don’t wear masks 😊), reduces symptoms of formaldehyde, protects against dust and cigarette smoke. The device is not flashy, but rather discreet. It is a simple, portable, low maintenance, lightweight mini air purifier (not a gadget!) and can be turned off when not needed. The titanium necklace also apparently stimulates blood circulation and oxygen metabolism.
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Since the pollen outside was very strong, he had a trip to the forest without coughing, red eyes and heavy breathing.
Die beste Investition für die Gesundheit meines Kindes. Jetzt führt er ein normalesLeben in der Schule. Da die Pollen draußen sehr stark waren, hatte er einen Ausflug in den Wald, ohne Husten, rote Augen und schweres Atmen. Ich empfehle sehr.
The best investment for my child’s health. Now he leads a normal life at school. Since the pollen outside was very strong, he had a trip to the forest without coughing, red eyes and heavy breathing. I highly recommend.
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My son has much fewer problems, the cats are also doing much better, medication is no longer necessary.
Eine tolle Erfindung! Mein Sohn hat viel weniger Probleme (Heuschnupfen), auch mit den Katzen geht es viel besser, Medis sind nicht mehr nötig. Danke
A great invention! My son has much fewer problems (hay fever), the cats are also doing much better, medication is no longer necessary. Thanks
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A really great gadget for allergy sufferers.
Für Allergiker ein wirklich tolles Gadget. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass der Airvida M1 so toll funktioniert. Einzig, was ich jetzt vermisst, habe diesen frühling, ist, dass wir dank des hässlichen Wetters kaum Pollenprobleme hatten und ich das Airvida M1 fast schon zu wenig gebraucht hab 🙂
A really great gadget for allergy sufferers. I didn’t think the Airvida M1 would work so well. The only thing I miss this spring is that we hardly had any pollen problems thanks to the ugly weather and I almost didn’t use the Airvida M1 enough 🙂
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To my great astonishment, the pollen nightmare was over after 3 days.
Da meine Augen wieder mal so richtig brannten und das Beissen fast unerträglich wurde, hängte ich mir trotz anfänglicher Skeptik das Airvida Halsband um. Zu meinem riesen Erstaunen war der Pollenspuk nach 3 Tagen vorbei. Ich brauche keine Medikamente und keine Augentropfen mehr. Ich habe rund 30 Jahre unter Pollenallergie gelitten. Keine Akupunktur, keine Desinsibilierung mit mehreren Spritzen im Spätherbst und keine Medikamente haben wirklich geholfen. Da ich es während dem Aufladen eingeschaltet neben mir auf das Nachttischchen stelle, hilft es sogar während dem schlafen.Unbedingt ausprobieren! Es hilft wirklich
Since my eyes were really burning again and the biting was almost unbearable, I put the Airvida collar on, despite my initial skepticism. To my great astonishment, the pollen nightmare was over after 3 days. I no longer need medication or eye drops. I suffered from pollen allergy for around 30 years. No acupuncture, no disinfection with several injections in late autumn and no medication really helped. Since I put it on the bedside table next to me while it’s charging, it even helps while I’m sleeping. You should definitely try it! It really helps
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Since wearing Airvida, I was able to stop taking the tablets immediately and the itching in my eyes was also gone.
Glaubte nicht an die Wirkung, aber habe es einfach einmal versucht, wie vieles andere auch gegen Heuschnupfen. Aber da ich es zu meinem Geburtstag bekommen habe, habe ich es trotzdem ausprobiert. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt musste ich regelmässig Tabletten, Augentropfen, Asthmaspray nehmen sowie meine Augen “auskratzen”. Seit dem Tragen von Airvida konnte ich umgehend die Tabletten absetzen und der Augenjuckreiz war ebenfalls weg. Anfangs kam der Asthmaspray noch 3 Mal zum Einsatz, seither konnte ich aber auch darauf verzichten. Seither habe ich Ruhe. Ebenfalls positiv ist die Ladezeit, welche deutlich unter 3 Stunden ist. Die Laufzeit ist ebenfalls über 30 Stunden. Bin sehr positiv überrascht – Daumen hoch.
I didn’t believe it would work, but I just tried it once, like many other things for hay fever. But since I got it for my birthday, I tried it out anyway. Up until this point I had to regularly take tablets, eye drops, asthma spray and “scratch out” my eyes. Since wearing Airvida, I was able to stop taking the tablets immediately and the itching in my eyes was also gone. Initially the asthma spray was used 3 times, but since then I have been able to do without it. I’ve had peace since then. The charging time is also positive, which is well under 3 hours. The running time is also over 30 hours. I’m very positively surprised – thumbs up.
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It’s hard to believe, but these ions really help to drive away the pollen.
Bin echt begeistert von diesem kleinen Ding. Es ist unauffällig und hat einen extrem lange Akkulaufzeit. Ist auch schnell wieder geladen und einsatzbereit. Die Wirkung ist wirklich super. Man glaubt es kaum, aber diese Ionen helfen wirklich die Pollen zu vertreiben. Selbst bei Wind nützt es. Ich merke sofort, wenn ich den Airvida mal vergesse wenn ich nach draussen gehe. Man sollte ihn eigentlich immer anhaben.
I’m really excited about this little thing. It is unobtrusive and has an extremely long battery life. It is also quickly reloaded and ready for use. The effect is really great. It’s hard to believe, but these ions really help to drive away the pollen. It’s even useful when it’s windy. I notice immediately if I forget the Airvida when I go outside. You should always wear it.
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At home and in the office, the hay fever symptoms are practically gone and, depending on the wind, outdoors too.
Ich habe mich lange dagegen gesträubt den Airvida zu bestellen, da der Preis doch etwas hoch ist und ich an der Funktionsweise gezweifelt habe. Nun möchte ich diesen kleinen Helfer nicht mehr missen. Zuhause und im Büro sind die Heuschnupfen-Beschwerden praktisch weg und im Freien je nach Wind auch. Sobald es jedoch etwas „luftet“ lässt die Wirkung nach. Trotzdem würde ich den Airvida nicht mehr hergeben.
For a long time I resisted ordering the Airvida because the price is a bit high and I had doubts about how it worked. Now I don’t want to be without this little helper anymore. At home and in the office, the hay fever symptoms are practically gone and, depending on the wind, outdoors too. However, as soon as it “airs” a bit, the effect wears off. Nevertheless, I would not give up the Airvida.
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I’ve been able to save myself the medication for 4 days.
Funktioniert Geräuschlos und Effektiv, so wie der Hans am 06.06.2023 Kommentiert hat. Ich trage den Luftreiniger mittels Klipp am Poloshirt, da ich nicht so auf Ketten um den Hals stehe. Verbesserungspotential: -Preis -Veralteter USB-Anschluss Typ B Gebe trotzdem 5 Sterne da ich mir die Medikamete seit 4 Tagen ersparen kann. Wird in Zukunft sicher noch deutlich bessere Varianten auf diesem Gebiet geben.
Works silently and effectively, as Hans commented on June 6th, 2023. I wear the air purifier with a clip on my polo shirt because I don’t like chains around my neck. Potential for improvement: -Price -Outdated USB Type B port. I still give it 5 stars because I’ve been able to save myself the medication for 4 days. There will certainly be significantly better variants in this area in the future.
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Janet Rapley
It’s hay fever season and i don’t suffer from it
So weit, so gut. Es ist Heuschnupfensaison und ich leide nicht darunter – und habe auch keine Medikamente eingenommen.
So far so good. It’s hay fever season and i don’t suffer from it – nor have I taken any medication.
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Airvida works tip top for us for those suffering from hay fever.
Funktioniert einwandfrei
Ich kann dem anderen Kommentar nicht zustimmen. Airvida funktioniert bei uns TipTop für Heuschnupfengepeinigte.
+Kein Augenbrennen mehr
Works flawlessly
I can’t agree with the other comment. Airvida works tip top for us for those suffering from hay fever.
+ No more burning eyes
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Junior hasn’t taken any medication since then and he doesn’t need any more eye drops either.
ich bin begeistert…. Junior nimmt und braucht seither keine Medikamente mehr und auch die Augentropfen fallen weg. Mir gefällt er besser ohne rote Nase.
+Gräser Allergie
It works!
I’m thrilled…. Junior hasn’t taken any medication since then and he doesn’t need any more eye drops either. I like him better without the red nose.
+ grass allergy
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I’ve been symptom-free for 7 days and on the road without medication
+Bin seid 7 Tage Symtom Frei und ohne medikamente unterwegs
+Akku haltet locker den ganzen tag aus
+Klein und kompakt
hay fever
+ I’ve been symptom-free for 7 days and on the road without medication
+ The battery easily lasts the whole day
+ Small and compact
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Chester County
When the Airvida is on, the pollen sniffles and sneezing go away
When the Airvida is on, the pollen sniffles and sneezing go away
Reviews on these types of products are always challenging as one can not definitely see results or what’s happening but let me tell you I for one have seen a noticeable benefit from its use. As I review we are in peak pollen and allergy season here in the Northeast and I have been dealing with the sniffles and sneezing for a few weeks however once I started using the Airvida I saw an almost immediate reduction in said symptoms. In fact when I take it off to charge I find the sniffling returns fairly quickly. Count me in the camp of this thing works. One note this is clearly a device that you have to have the right expectations of as you are not going to walk in to a smoke filled room and have this clean the air or block all intake you may have, not even a room sized purifier can accomplish this let along a small wearable. Again my experience is you will see a reduction in unwanted intake.
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Only managed to test while I was painting and I was amazed it truly works: no headache, nasal drip or itchy eyes.
Good Points: As a allergy sufferer triggered by chemical smells and pollution life can get pretty miserable. Only managed to test while I was painting (I already use Crown Breath Easy) and I was amazed it truly works: no headache, nasal drip or itchy eyes. I could still smell the paint but it was the first time my body had no reaction.
Improvement Points: Wish it were a little more affordable but really can’t put a price on health.
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Since wearing it I feel a difference to my breathing and I also do not sneeze anymore.
5.0 out of 5 stars Works well It’s effective
I decided to try this because I suffer from allergies and because I liked it’s discreet size. I’m glad I had bought it though as I am pleased with the results.
Since wearing it I feel a difference to my breathing and I also do not sneeze anymore.
I love the versatile design, and it’s lightweight and pearly white colour matches all my clothes when I wear it as a necklace. It also comes with a clip so that when I’m outdoors I clip it on to my coat that way it’s not locked away and still effective.
It also comes with a docking stand which is how I recharge it, but also sits nicely on my desk and bedside table. Its peacefully working away throughout the night with 0 noise as I’m a very light sleeper which is important for me and it has so far helped improve the quality of my sleep. I am pleased that it works and I recommend it to anyone who is considering one.
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I suffer from lot of congestion and usually don’t sleep very well. But since wearing this extremely comfortable necklace. My sleep quality and my breathing has improved.
Awesome device
Since purchasing this item i have actually been surprised to how effective it actually is. I suffer from lot of congestion and usually don’t sleep very well. But since wearing this extremely comfortable necklace. My sleep quality and my breathing has improved. I live next to a garage full of smokers and usually when walking past i get the unfortunate blow of smoke towards me which as a singer is extremely detrimental to my health and would usually have me coughing extremely badly. But again since wearing this the coughing has decreased majorly. Now ill be honest im not actually a necklace wearer and was worried when i bought it how it would look as i didnt want to look like a health guru but its sleek design put me at ease the moment i put it on. Ive actually been very impressed by this
As usually healthy products usually look silly and not very comfortable especially wearing it for a large amount of time. But with this device i feel i can wear it all day as i actually do sleep with it. Two other benefits are the clip and the charging dock. The clip is so good as it saves me from wearing a necklace all day and i can just clip it onto my collar when i want to go to the shops. The charging dock is a lifesaver as i can go to sleep with it plugged in and purifying my room. I am extremely happy with my purchase as it does what it says on the box.
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laura bartlett-napper
I definitely feel that I am breathing easier and clearer.
Fantastic product, thinking of buying another!
I’m so happy with my purchase, it has relieved my symptoms of hay-fever and I do use it when commuting too. I definitely feel that I am breathing easier and clearer. I like that it has dual functionality as a necklace and a clip on, so I can put it on my coat, its very lightweight, and noise free. it has a docking station which charges it and looks super stylish. It was a great purchase and I would highly recommend to anyone looking for more protection than a mask.
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I had a trial for 2 weeks (even at home), and it’s amazing that I didn’t sneeze at all during the trial.
The reason I bought Airvida is I don’t want to take medicine. In fact, I wore Airvida with doubts in the beginning. I had a trial for 2 weeks (even at home), and it’s amazing that I didn’t sneeze at all during the trial. So right now I begin to expect the effectiveness of Airvida’s air pollution and virus removal ability. Airvida is so easy to use, and charging is also very simple. My daughter likes Airvida L1 (white), so she bought it and always use it. L1 has 2 negative ions vents, so it seems the effectiveness is quite good. M1 is the one that I use and I also feel good and comfortable. I’m so grateful for Airvida.
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I suffered from second-hand smoke for a long time in the office, but after wearing Airvida, it seemed that the smell of cigarette smoke had been reduced.
All in all, it really is superlight. I doubted if Airvida really worked, so I tested it for consecutive 3 working days. I suffered from second-hand smoke for a long time in the office, but after wearing Airvida, it seemed that the smell of cigarette smoke had been reduced. In addition, I also feel more relaxed. Although it’s a little expensive, I still think I’ve made a good decision. I really wish I could’ve been aware of Airvida earlier.
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Even taking medicine, my runny nose and itchy eyes are still not solved. After using Airvida, such symptoms all disappeared!
Even taking medicine, my runny nose and itchy eyes are still not solved. After using Airvida, such symptoms all disappeared! I really bought a good product. By the way, the delivery speed is also great.
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Airvida is so light, so sometimes I even don’t notice I’m wearing it. When going out, my stuffy nose is really improved.
I thought maybe Airvida can improve my hay fever, so I bought it for a trial. Airvida is so light, so sometimes I even don’t notice I’m wearing it. When going out, my stuffy nose is really improved. So it seems that it really works.
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Airvida is the best product I’ve ever bought in the past few years.
I bought Airvida with doubts, but it is so useful. Due to its effectiveness, I cannot go out without it right now. Airvida is the best product I’ve ever bought in the past few years. So grateful.
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It’s an excellent design about the magnet connector, and the way of charging is also another great design. All the details are well executed.
Airvida can be worn as a necklace, and it really works. I really made a good decision.
It’s an excellent design about the magnet connector, and the way of charging is also another great design. All the details are well executed.
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My itchy nose has really improved after using it.
I tried other brand’s wearable air purifier before, but Airvida is the one I like the most. It’s soundless, windless, and superlight, so it won’t bother you at all while wearing it. Regarding the effectiveness, my itchy nose has really improved after using it. I hesitated over the purchase of Airvida, but right now I feel I really made a right decision.
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I suffer from hay fever and dust as well. It’s awesome that I slept through the night after wearing Airvida.
I suffer from hay fever and dust as well. It’s awesome that I slept through the night after wearing Airvida.
Airvida has very low sound, but it doesn’t bother me anymore. It has an embedded battery, so you don’t need to exchange the battery. I do like to use it in my work place.
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My itchy eyes and sore throat are improved a lot. It’s light enough that it won’t bother me at all in my daily life.
電車内、フィットネスクラブ、お買い物、家の中でも はずせません。目のかゆみ、喉のイガイガなども軽減されました。つけているのも忘れるくらい違和感はありません。
Whether on a metro, in a gym, in a market, or at home, I don’t want to take Airvida off. After using Airvida, my itchy eyes and sore throat are improved a lot. It’s light enough that it won’t bother me at all in my daily life.
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After using Airvida, I really felt comfortable. Why I hadn’t bought it earlier?
Even not in the hay fever season, I still suffered from pollen. It took few months of consideration before purchasing an Airvida. Before I realized, the hay fever season has passed on already. Finally, due to dust and crowded areas always making me feel uncomfortable, I made my decision. After using Airvida, I really felt comfortable. I wear it every day and often ask myself, Why I hadn’t bought it earlier?
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Airvida is superlight. It can be worn with a collar clip or used as a desktop air purifier, which is a nice design.
I saw Airvida before in a retail store, and I was considering to buy one to prevent hay fever at that time. Due to the pandemic, I finally made my decision. Airvida is superlight. It can be worn with a collar clip or used as a desktop air purifier, which is a nice design. Although the price is a little expensive, I still think I bought a good device.
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I’m so grateful for Airvida.
I received Airvida within 4 days after ordering. I’m so grateful for Airvida.
It’s trendy, I love it. I think I can use it to replace a mask while going to a gym, and I will always love to wear it.
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It did improve the allergy symptoms.
Airvida is lighter and more silence than I thought. As a present to my mom, she looked very happy to receiving it. Its very simple to charge, and it did improve the allergy symptoms. I will say it is a very convenience product. Finally, the after service team is great. Excellent product! I’m so grateful for Airvida.
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I will buy it for my relatives as a birthday gift next time.
I bought Airvida as a gift for a friend who is terrified to go out since the pandemic. Due to this, he is ecstatic after receiving it, I will buy it for my relatives as a birthday gift next time.
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After using Airvida, his sneezing and hay fever issue has improved a lot. Now, he is totally a fan of Airvida.
朝、出勤する玄関で「うーん‥ 持って行こうかなぁ 空気清浄機」
In the beginning, my husband said “I don’t need this!” So I placed the Airvida beside my pillow to test it. “Do you want to test it out while in the office?” “No! No!” However, he changed his mind one day before leaving. “Maybe let’s test it today..” After using Airvida, his sneezing and hay fever issue has improved a lot. Now, he is totally a fan of Airvida.
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Nowadays, I feel worried without Airvida. So I wear it everyday.
About 4 months ago, I bought Airvida for my husband who suffers from serious hay fever issues. On the first day, he used it with doubts. But the second day, he said “It’s been a long time since I felt this good on my nose!” For my husband, the area surrounding his eyes is still a little itchy, but the stuffy nose has totally improved. I don’t think we need to worry during the hay fever season this year. Before, I caught a cold every year, after using Airvida, I didn’t catch a cold this year. Nowadays, I feel worried without Airvida. So I wear it everyday.
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After using Airvida, it seems his sneezing and rhinitis has improved a lot.
花粉症のひどい息子のために購入しました。首かけのイオン発生器は持っているのですが、少し重いのであまり付けてくれなかったのが これは軽い!そして着脱が簡単なので 喜んで付けてくれました。そして どうやらずいぶん鼻が楽なようです。くしゃみもあまりしていないみたいです。購入してから毎日愛用しています。
I bought Airvida for my son who has serious hay fever issues. He once had another brand of wearable air purifier, but he refused wearing it because it is too heavy. Airvida is so light and easy to use, therefore my son is willing to use it. After using Airvida, it seems his sneezing and rhinitis has improved a lot, so he uses Airvida everyday now.
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I haven’t felt so comfortable for over 70 years during hay fever seasons.
I bought Airvida this March, and it really works. I haven’t felt so comfortable for over 70 years during hay fever seasons. However, I left it on a cruise ship last trip, therefore, I bought my second Airvida. In fact, Airvida is a little expensive, but it is worth it.
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After using Airvida, my sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery eyes have totally improved. Airvida really makes my life more comfortable.
I have serious hay fever allergy, so I need to take medicine and apply eye drops during the pollen season. However, after using Airvida, my sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery eyes have totally improved. Airvida really makes my life more comfortable.
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Airvida is terrific, it’s far better than I expected.
I have serious hay fever allergy, and that’s the reason I bought Airvida. Airvida is terrific, it’s far better than I expected. After using it, my sneezing is almost gone. Right now, I’m not afraid to go out without wearing a mask during hay fever season. Airvida can be recharged in a short time, and I haven’t had any issues so far. I wish it can stand for a long time without any malfunction.
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After using Airvida, it seems he feels better even without wearing a mask. I really think Airvida is a good product.
I bought Airvida as a birthday present for my husband. In this period, mask is a must to avoid pollen and PM2.5. But after using Airvida, it seems he feels better even without wearing a mask. I really think Airvida is a good product.
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It improved my hay fever allergy symptoms a lot.
I bought 8 pcs Airvida for my family. The best part is that it’s very light, so it won’t bother you while wearing. Although I can’t test its coronavirus removal ability, but, it improved my hay fever allergy symptoms a lot, I believe it will be more helpful comparing to only wearing a mask. I bought Airvida for the coronavirus prevention, and I wear it everyday now.
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My husband doubted it before, but now he has also become a fan of Airvida.
毎年苦しんでいる花粉症対策のために 自分用と主人用の二つ 購入させていただきました。
軽くて 音もないので つけていることを忘れるくらいです。
付けていると 森林の中にいるような感じで とてもいいです。
使うまで 半信半疑だった主人も これはいい。と喜んでいます。
人混みに行くときにも 重宝しそうです。
To prevent from hay fever allergy, I bought 2 Airvida for myself and my husband. Airvida is so light and soundless, so sometimes I don’t even notice that I am wearing it. Airvida makes me feel very well, like in a forest. My husband doubted it before, but now he has also become a fan of Airvida. I am so delighted. By the way, it seems very useful while in a crowd.
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After wearing Airvida, I can go out without wearing a mask during hay fever season!
I bought Airvida at the time suffering serious hay fever allergy. Actually, I bought it with doubts. But it is so amazing. After wearing Airvida, I can go out without wearing a mask during hay fever season! I have not been so comfortable for 10+ years. I really made an excellent decision! Although some friends don’t believe in Airvida, I believe in what I experience (this is the most important!). The fixed neckline is the only issue. I’m ok with its size, but my dad feels a little tight when wearing it. Wish to have a larger size model.
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My hay fever symptoms have been improved a lot.
I bought ible Airvida L1 last year, and my hay fever symptoms have been improved a lot. But L1 has undetachable neckline design and is too noticeable in the workplace, so I bought M1 this year as M1 can be worn with its titanium necklace or its collar chip. With Airvida, I’m not worrying about the coming hay fever season this year.
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The discomforts caused by hay fever allergy have also been relieved.
I always have puffy eyes during the hay fever season. But after using Airvida, my puffy eyes have improved a lot. Besides the puffy eyes, the discomforts caused by hay fever allergy have also been relieved. Airvida looks trendy, and I am really satisfied with it.
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He feels much better while wearing Airvida during hay fever season.
My dad has used Airvida before, so this is the second time of purchase. My dad has hay fever symptoms, and he feels much better while wearing Airvida during hay fever season. Airvida is very quiet, so it really fits into his life.
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Even outdoors, like playing golf, the sneezing and running nose has been improved.
I bought Airvida for a trial, and the result is so good. Although the hay fever issue is not totally gone but, it has been improved a lot. Even outdoors, like playing golf, the sneezing and running nose has been improved.
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My sore throat and itchy eyes has improved.
In the previous hay fever seasons, I cannot open my eyes. After using Airvida, my sore throat and itchy eyes has improved. I’m so grateful for Airvida.
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If you are suffering from hay fever, Airvida is the product you cannot ignore.
とにかく、最高 本当に、花粉症の方おためしあれ
All in all, it’s terrific! If you are suffering from hay fever, Airvida is the product you cannot ignore.
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When my daughter goes outside without a mask, wearing this gives her a greater sense of security!
My daughter loves it! When she goes outside without a mask, wearing this gives her a greater sense of security!
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A fantastic product! It’s fits well with different outfits.
A fantastic product! It’s fits well with different outfits, and I’ve already repurchased the second one. Highly recommended!
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